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RE: Justins Meteor PLugin


I had been working on a version which used virtual devices and have uploaded
what I have done so far. You can grab it from the downloads section of
It should now be possible to use the plugin without a modem, but you will still
need HSP installed.
The virtual devices are optional so you will need to create them manually from
the setup dialogue.

Note: I have not been able to do much testing. You see, I used to get a remote
screen to my HS box from work and call my house loads of times to test the
plugin, now SWMBO is on maternity leave I cant do that!

"PS Having kids is no excuse for shirking your HA responsibilites ;-)"
You obviously havent met the wife :-)


Quoting M McAree <michael.mcaree@xxxxxxx>:

> Thanks Justin :-)
> I just wanted to get away from using HSP and a modem just to detect that
> an incomming call is recceived. I'd prefer it if your plugin could
> trigger an event so I could run a script.
> Hs.getvar works a treat for me.
> Thanks
> Michael
> PS Having kids is no excuse for shirking your HA responsibilites ;-)

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