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Re: AutoM8it

Just a quick note to answer you question, its no problem to add the devices to the X10 events
and maybe even drag drop, as you say we can continue this offline.
Unless Dan has any more ideas to contribute here.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, October 01, 2002 10:30 PM
Subject: RE: [ukha_d] AutoM8it

Hi Dan,
I don't really care for a graphical interface as the machine is headless for most of the time anyway.
Yes, you can have complete control, but it would be nice to drag and drop, or select from a drop down the device you want to control.
What I have, for instance, is a sleep command. I press a button on my mini timer and it then switches off all the lights, appliances etc. Quite a few devices get controlled and this happens with a number of schedules etc. Having to remember the X10 address of them all is a right pain and being able to select from my list of devices would certainly make it easier to setup.
I have had a reply from James about this and will chat with him about it.
Other than that I like the software. One I get it configured I'll put it into service. SWMBO would be most cheesed off if I change something and it doesn't work as before.
Best regards
-----Original Message-----
From: Dan [mailto:dtoma@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 01 October 2002 18:45
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxxSubject: Re: [ukha_d] AutoM8it

Hi Dave,
Yes, You must define events manually, but this give you a lot of flexibility. You can do anything you can imagine.
How can you use drag and drop if, let's say, you want that for a specific input event to send a specific infrared command?
You must first select the device, then the command and this is all. If you think that this can be done in a easier way >from it.
The main advantage of the AutoM8it is that it is a framework and a completely open system. You can build and add any plugin you want. A SDK is available.
Just an info: I have build the infrared plugin using the provided development platform in less than 3 days (only during my free time), so it is a great advantage of this platform.
It is very nice to have a wonderful graphical interface, but... what is more important? The interface design or the functionality?
I just wait for other opinions,
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