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Re: It's Official - Thomson Tivo Discontinued

Stuart Grimshaw wrote:
> Before I go & buy one, will this affect the service? ie if I pay the 200
> quid lifetime membership, what happens if that service ceases?

Well, you are gambling that (a) Tribune keeps providing the UK data and
(b) that TiVo Inc keeps its head above water.

While (b) is true, I suspect (a) will be, as it's essentially free
money. So your guess boils down to "Will TiVo be around for the next 20
months?" (the break-even point for the lifetime subs).

Which is why I've chosen the monthly option ;)

As regards the purchasing decision, I wouldn't let worries about the
distract you from buying what is arguably one of the greatest gadgets
ever. It
*is* possible to get your own guide data in there. It's tricky at the
mo, but should TiVo Inc disappear I suspect it'd get much easier.

Remember: TiVo means never having to hear the Enterprise theme music
again! ;)


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