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RE: Digital Audio Switcher

Bear in mind that I haven't GOT one of these units, just that I've read the page :-)

> OK so this switcher could receive the digital input of say a DVD player
> nd I guess also a CD player or Audiotron?


> It would send the signal to one/all of the AV Amps. Do I assume that AV
> amps can decode a digital signal from a CD or Audiotron, negating the
> need for an Audio DAC?

Yes... well, it's truer to say "an AV amp INCLUDES a DAC"

> How do you use an AV amp in a multiroom environment? i.e Can one AV amp
> supply two rooms using the front and rear outputs and more importantly
> can those outputs be switched remotely? Then another AV amp supply 5.1
> to say the lounge using all outputs.

It's not clear from their website whether ALL OUTPUTS have to switch to the same source... It's the difference between "whole house audio" and "zoned audio" (see the Tutorials section on

> This unit switches audio(?) what about distributing the picture? I
> assume you still need Keiths KAT5 units?

Yup, or something less good :-)

> Does the Tivo units output digital?

No idea - but don't think so.

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