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Re: High gain antennas and pigtails

On Mon, 28 Oct 2002 16:25:42 -0000, "Andy Laurence"
<andy@xxxxxxx> wrote:

> Also, be careful of
>the legal limit.  This normally means you can't use more than a 5d= B gain
>antenna.  I don't want to be negative through my entire post, so t= ry
> for a= ntennas.  I have a 5dB omni from there, and
>it's quite nice (and *very* magnetic).  I've yet to test distances= though.

I just had my =A310 omni-antenna from Solwise modified by this *very*
helpful chap:


He's the one that's supplied me with all my antenna gear so I can
recommend him thoroughly.

The Solwise antenna comes with a short 30cm lead onto which he put an
Orinoco PC Card connector in place of the existing lug.

Dave mailed me to say:

"Had a look at extending the cable on the antenna, it's as I thought and moulded in, so no can do on the extension. Have put an Orinoco
connector on it."

He's very communicative but works away from home sometimes. He's also
able to supply other types of antenna too.  My external antenna
connects to a Linksys WAP11, so he's able to supply any kind of
connector you like it would seem.


Stuart Booth
Somewhere in Buckinghamshire, England, UK


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