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ReplayTV - European Launch plan...

Got this from Nick and SonicBlue:

I wrote:

"Secondly, what's the roadmap for ReplayTV/UK... I'm on the verge of getting a TiVo, but your product looks better, and I believe that there's a UK market I'm in contact with :-) However, lots of the value of a PVR comes from a decent EPG...."

He replied:

"We are currently discussing the EU plan for Replay - it is unlikely that it will be here before the end of the year - and yes, functionally it does beat TiVo hands down. We have access to EPGs so we're not too concerned. The Replay discussions are happening in real time so I'll let you know as and when things develop..

All the best


So, goodish news - but another 8+ months :-(

I also get the impression he'll consider another UKHA bulk buy...

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