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Re: ShowShifter vs. TiVo

> Amar, how big is 1hour file in VCD format? or any similar, playable
> format.

About 1CD's worth (650MB)

> ReplayTV was marketing that you can record your show and send it to your
> friend over ADSL.

AFAIK, they have much more bandwidth on the other side of the pond.  I know
our US office has 8/6Mbps ADSL compared to our 1024/256kbps ADSL.

> Thay would be perfect if friend in States can send me NBA game (without
> comercials and time outs), over ADSL. I cannot see them here.

They can, but at 60k/s that's about 11000 seconds, or 180 minutes, or just
over 3 hours to get your one hour tape.  That's based on a 512kbps
connection which you may get, if they have a decent link.

> I would be able to send him cricket games then, but I am not sure that
> there is anyone interested in that there ;-).

Hmmm, the same 650MB would take 2 times as long (6 hours) if you're on ADSL,
or 4 times as long (12 hours) if you're on cable.


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