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RE: ShowShifter vs. TiVo

Yes, Yes and Yes.
I have NTL (Original with a 4000 series box).
TiVo knows what channels NTL show and the channel numbers. If NTL channels
change then TiVo knows and updates. I have had TiVo since April and My wife
said yesterday to someone "We don't watch Live TV anymore" and she is right.
A lot of money but well worth it. Best purchase I have made - above Pronto
and even Comfort!!


-----Original Message-----
From: steve.cooper@xxxxxxx [mailto:steve.cooper@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 24 May 2002 16:59
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx Subject: RE: [ukha_d] ShowShifter vs. TiVo

>>But is it changing your Sky box for you?

Out of interest can it change the channels on a NTL Cable box.  And if it
can does it know what channel to go to as they are numbered differently on
cable to Sky.



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