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RE: ShowShifter vs. TiVo

Title: RE: [ukha_d] ShowShifter vs. TiVo

You can share programs really easily as TiVo hooks upto you VCR as well.  When recording programs to VCR you just choose a save to tape option. Of course the disadvantage here is that you are going from a digital source to an analogue one.


TiVO will probably never support digital video extraction since Replay TV the (US competition to TV) got sued for providing that functionality.


-----Original Message-----
From: Amar Nagi [mailto:amar@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 24 May 2002 14:29
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx Subject: RE: [ukha_d] ShowShifter vs. TiVo


i am not putting down tivo at all but i have questions as to use.

what happens if you record a program and then want to share it

with someone. how do you give them copy ?

what happens in the following in the following well know situations

A friends asks,  "can you please record eastenders for me i forgot to set my video"

Am i right in thinking you cannot share programmes recorded unless you copy over

to ARGH vhs ?



-----Original Message-----
From: Kenneth Watt [mailto:kennwatt@xxxxxxx]
Sent: Fri 24/05/2002 14:13
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
Subject: RE: [ukha_d] ShowShifter vs. TiVo

Some of the guys particularly Don and Justin have been doing just that on the Turbonet forum with varying degrees of success AFAIK. Once I get a card I'll start playing around with it myself.


TiVo is native Linux so I have no idea how it works, it just does. But and, listen up Linux peeps, if Linux could run all the software I wanted and it ran as well as TiVo I would be doing rather a few OS installs, yes I would get rid of my Windows, it is *that good* ;-)




-----Original Message-----
From: Amar Nagi [mailto:amar@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 24 May 2002 14:01
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx Subject: RE: [ukha_d] ShowShifter vs. TiVo


one question i do have about tivo is

wha format does it save the file in.

and can you transfer that file to a pc

and then burnit on a cd as a vcd ?


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