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RE: ShowShifter vs. TiVo

Take a look at the tivo bulk buy group,

Here is  Don's Summary of the situation

Just a quick note before everyone jumps into the bulk buy.

As you are aware the TurboNet card gives you access via the LAN for the

TivoWeb, Telnet and FTP all work great and are reason enough to get the

Despite Justins success I am struggling trying to get a stable and
repeatable video extraction method. When it works, it works great, but
there is a considerable amount of hand crafting to do.

I just don't want people buying this card with the expectation that
Video Extraction is an out of the box function. It isn't. You will need
to put some effort in but it is good fun if frustrating. I've learnt
more about mpeg in the last few days than I have in the past 12 months,
along with the may mpeg tools out there. Besides, I would hope we can
move this on once we have 10+ ukhas all trying different methods.


-----Original Message-----
From: Amar Nagi [mailto:amar@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 24 May 2002 14:01
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx Subject: RE: [ukha_d] ShowShifter vs. TiVo

one question i do have about tivo is
wha format does it save the file in.
and can you transfer that file to a pc
and then burnit on a cd as a vcd ?

-----Original Message-----
From: Ben McCormack [mailto:ben.mccormack@xxxxxxx]
Sent: Fri 24/05/2002 13:54
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
Subject: RE: [ukha_d] ShowShifter vs. TiVo

John Lewis, they seem to have them in stock at £229
Dixons in Norwich, display model for £184

I want one too

-----Original Message-----
From: Stuart Booth [mailto:stuart@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 24 May 2002 13:42
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx Subject: RE: [ukha_d] ShowShifter vs. TiVo

On 24 May 02, at 13:21, Kenneth Watt wrote:

> The cost I don't think is very high
> for what TiVo actually does and I can almost guarantee that if you use

> one for a week you will probably never watch an off-air broadcast
> again!

PLEASE STOP IT !! All of you !!! :-)))

Yes, I want one, but manfully resisted the earlier cheap price
offers. Now I'm caving in *again* !!

So, where's the best place to get one today?



PS - is there any sign of TiVo 2? I had wondered if that was the
reason for the cheap prices previously, which had helped me resist.

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