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Re: Re: node0 photos

----- Original Message -----
From: "andy_powell_is" <ukha@xxxxxxx>
To: <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2002 8:47 AM
Subject: [ukha_d] Re: node0 photos

> ROFLMAO! I should show SWMBO your workbench - that should convince
> her that I *am* tidy :P
> Can you give us more detail onthe 'tower' pic? what's all that
> stuff...

OK i confess....none of it is wired up yet
The item at the top is just for show, LOTS of bnc sockets on it that im sure
will come in usefull one day.
The patch panel is partially wired at the back, but i have put that on hold,
cos i have just had adsl fitted and for some reason it didnt like my
existing telephone network, so thats another project for a rainy day
The black thing with yellow writting is an audio/video mixer thing, for
which i need a power supply (+15  0 -15) so thats not wired up.
The rest is my old hi-fi stack of separates, again not wired up cos i run
HHA through my main hifi in the living room.
The two bottom items long black box and the thing with blue and green keys
is a cctv switcher, this is my latest addition and again , im embarassed to
say, is not yet wired up
:O(   My 6 camera switcher, which is visible on the "hal" picture is working
fine so i have no need to get it sorted yet ..

I have changed the layout of the "tower" since taking the photo   with
things that are actually wired up :O)  i have my network hub in there and my
rio receiver, and i wired up one of the amps too .

As you can see from my "workbench" picture i have too many projects and too
little time :O)

Robert Crawshaw       

The internet has had no effect on my life

I am Dyslexia of Borg            Your ass will be laminated

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