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Re: Re: OT: Nominet (.uk) to force the publication of net users home addr esses

Quoting Stuart Booth (stuart@xxxxxxx):

> What is the renewal process anyway? I haven't got that far yet
> with my existing domain so I've no idea what the process is,
> although I am quite aware of when it comes up for renewal.
> I just assumed I would re-order the domain nearer the appropriate
> time from my current agent? Which is why I've never been
> concerned about renewal notices.

That's pretty much it, yes.  Whoever is your nominated agent at the
time gets a reminder from Nominet a couple of months ahead of the
expiry date.  This or their own systems should prod them into asking
you to pay for the next two years.  If you don't want to renew, they
change the tag on the domain to "UNTAGGED", at which point Nominet
should contact you using the address supplied, to confirm that you
do want the registration to lapse.

(a Nominet member)

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