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RE: (ukha_d) TIVO Connections

I'm not at home now so can't look at the spaghetti of cables, but a couple of
points I can confirm:

TiVo does have RF out.  I have it running around the house in the same way that
you would.

Don't get rid of your video, not just yet anyway!  I did, TiVo died a few days
ago, so no method of recording anything :-(

As a side point, TiVo are a bit slow at swapping out the defective unit.
Apparently they're waiting for some units to come in from Thompson, which I
guess means I'll be getting a new one, but also means I've got to wait for at
least another week.

Like a limb (though obviously to a far lesser extent!), you only realise how
good it is when it's gone.  Having to watch live TV, with ads, is a real drag.
I can't even pause the telly when the phone rings.  It's just sooooo primitive!


-----Original Message-----
From: MIME:ben.mccormack@xxxxxxx at INTERNET
Sent: 17 May 2002 11:02
To: White, Peter; ukha_d@xxxxxxx at Internet
Subject: [ukha_d] TIVO Connections

Hello all

I am finally thinking about getting a Tivo and I had a few questions
about connecting it up.

At the moment I have got a Loewe TV with 3 Scarts, 2 RGB Enabled.

SKY Digibox Scart 1<---> TV Scart 1 RGB Enabled
DVD <------> TV Scart 2 RGB Enabled
Video Scart 1<-----> TV Scart 3 Composite
Sky Digibox Scart 2 <------> Video Scart 2

Sky Digibox RF OUT 2 <--------> TV upstairs

Now how do I add Tivo to this setup?

I obviously do not want to interfere with my DVD connection.

Does TIVO do RGB and would I connect as follows

SKY Digibox Scart 1 <----------> Tivo Scart 1 <------> TV Scart 1 (All

And finally does Tivo have a RF out as SKY does so that I can send it

Please don't mention KAT5, I would love to put this in but I am only
watching upstairs on a 14" so no point.

And finally would you get rid of the Video? Will I ever use it again, I
could always put it upstairs just in case!



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