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Choice of software ?

Can  any group members offer advise on a choice of
software for my home brew HA system ?

First of all let me introduce myself and explain what
I=92m doing.
My name is Malcolm Moorhouse and I live in
Johannesburg, SA.
HA is virtually none existent out here, what little
equipment that=92s available is X10 imported from
Europe. Initially I needed a system to control=85
1. External lights
2. A couple of internal lights while the house is
3. Irrigation system
4. Swimming pool pump
5. Maybe switch a couple of heaters on in winter

It is also needed to improve my security system and
also inform me via SMS if the house power trips or I
have a security problem.

I decided to stay away from X10, initially because of
its price, and problems with power trips and failures.
I have designed my own input and output modules that
cost around  a fifth of X10, communicate over RS-485,
and can run off battery power. The additional wiring
isn=92t a problem as the house is single storey and can
easily be run in the roof.

I=92m now ready to start the software. Does anyone know
if an off the shelf package is available that can
address its I/O via simple ASCII rules, via DDE link,
or have a custom I/O driver installed.

Another question I have is what operating system is
best suited for a PC is running 24/7.


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