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RE: RE: (ukha_d) Help with HomeSeer UK weather script forNewbie

  • To: <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: RE: (ukha_d) Help with HomeSeer UK weather script forNewbie
  • From: "Amar Nagi" <amar@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 15 May 2002 00:41:44 +0100
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

I have this


ub main()


            dim w_today

            dim oposstart

            dim oposend

            dim oinput

            dim ospeak

            dim ooutput

            dim thischar


' Say something incase the URL load takes a while


            hs.speak "Please wait while I get the weather for you"


' get todays weatherfrom sky web site


            w_today =   hs.GetURL("","/weather/uk/seast/london.shtml",1,80)


            oposstart = Instr ( w_today , "London") + len ("London Weather") ' because there are 2 of them

            oposend = Instr ( w_today , "Last Updated")


            ospeak = mid (w_today, oposstart, oposend - oposstart)


            ospeak = Replace (ospeak, "  ", "",1,-1,0)


' Scan thru string and remove any wacky chars with ascii less than 31

' Input and output variables to eventually make this a function


            oinput = ospeak

            ooutput = ""


            For k = 1 to len (oinput)


                        thischar = mid (oinput, k , 1 )


                        if asc (thischar) > 31 then


                                    ooutput = ooutput + thischar


                                    else ooutput = ooutput + "" ' does nothing here in case I need it


                        end if                           




            ospeak = ooutput


' This bit tries to put commas in ospeak to make it sound better


            ospeak = Replace (ospeak, "tonight", "tonight , ",1,-1,0)

            ospeak = Replace (ospeak, "today", "today , ",1,-1,0)

            ospeak = Replace (ospeak, "tomorrow", "tomorrow , ",1,-1,0)

            ospeak = Replace (ospeak, "weather", "weather , ",1,-1,0)


            hs.speak ospeak                      


end sub


-----Original Message-----
From: Nic Blinston [mailto:ukha@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 15 May 2002 00:15
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx Subject: [ukha_d] RE: (ukha_d) Help with HomeSeer UK weather script forNewbie


>I like the supplied weather script for announcing the current weather
>forecast in your area but it only seems to work if you can supply a US zip
>Has anyone managed to amend this script or write one of there own to find
>weather forecasts (specifically
Now what might be really useful would be a way to incorporate live
weather forecast data into some scripts. Example: tomorrow it is
expected to be only 8 degrees, so the system will turn on the heating
a little earlier to get it nice and warm. I'm sure there could be
other uses - but is it possible?


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