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RE: Audiotron bulk buy? Re: Rio bulk buy

Dermot Bradley [mailto:bradley@xxxxxxx] wrote:
> Anyone interested in Audiotrons? I bought one a year ago (friend in > USA shipped it to me). At some stage in the near future I'll be buying=
> another and have to go through the pain of getting it from the USA. > In mind mind the Audiotron is vastly superior to the Rio and Turtle > Beach do a fantastic job with all the enhancements they keeping adding=
> to the unit....

I've been on the AT mail list for a while now, and have been very impressed=
by the amount of work on new firmware that Turtle Beach have been doing.

> Anyone else on the list got an Audiotron or interested in one?

I'm definitely going to get one, probably within the next month or so.

I have a friend in the New York who can re-ship to me if neccessary but I would probably end up getting one from a site that will do UK shipping

Normal price for the audiotron is about $280.  After that you need to = pay UK
shipping say $60, VAT and possibly 2% import duty.

+ $280.00      - US Cost
+  $60.00      - Approx Fed Ex US Post charge= to UK
*   (1.075)      - US Tax - New York (No= t for websites)
*    0.6932      - US Dolor to US P= ound
*    1.175      - UK VAT
*    1.02      - UK Duty for an MP3= player (8520909090)
  =A3282.47      - UK Total

Maybe a bulkbuy would save us money, but then again it may cause problems getting them into the country as they have no CE badges.

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