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RE: DTFM, Meteors & HomeSeer

Hi Justin,

You mean DTMF (Dual Tone Multi-Frequency) :-)

There isnt any specific code that will do what you want to do however there
is a way round it using a relay and a DTMF receiver which you already have
with Meteor.

Unless you are in a really big city there is probably a number range that is
completely unused (where I am dialling 2 as the first digit gives Number

If you configure your software to look for the first digit(s) that arent
used in your area imeadiately after going off hook then it can detect that
it is NOT a genuine call. You then use the relay to disconnect the line from
the exchange and connect it to a 12V supply instead via a 100 ohm resistor
like this

Line B-----------\-----------
+12V ---100R----             Phones/Meteor/Homeseer etc

Line A ----------\----------

On initial lifting of the phones you would get dial tone from the exchange,
dial your "house" code and Homeseer operates the relay to disconnect you
>from will allow subsequent tones to be interpreted properly. When you detect the
phone being replaced you release the relay and the phones are connected back
onto the line.

You must only trigger if the "house" code it the first digit dialed
otherwise you wont be able to dial any numbers containing that digit :-)

Hope that makes some kind of sense :-)


-----Original Message-----
From: Justin [mailto:justin@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 13 May 2002 19:55
Subject: [ukha_d] DTFM, Meteors & HomeSeer

I doubt this is possible, but I'll ask anyone aware of a DTFM
code that could be dialled so as the telephone exchange would not try and
connect a call?

The reason I ask is that I am working on a Meteor plugin for HomeSeer and I
thought it would be pretty smart if I could include the ability to control
devices around the house using internal phones with it...
As I'm sure many of you are aware the Meteor can detect off hook and DTFM so
I figured if my plugin could detect a off hook event followed by a DTFM
sequence, e.g. "#" + "*" then it could go into a 'command mode'  pressing 1*
would turn say, A1 on and 1# would turn it off etc.
Of course the problem with this is that after a few buttons I get the "the
number you have called is unavailable" message, hence the question. Any
bright ideas?


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