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RE: Orange SmartHome Sunday Times Article

  • To: <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: Orange SmartHome Sunday Times Article
  • From: "Keith Doxey" <lists.diyha@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 12 May 2002 17:52:15 +0100
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx


How often do you have a bath ????.....
or what do you do to get that dirty :-)

Anyway, if you are a good boy and rinse the bath after you have used it then
the crud should be washed away.

I think you meant 32 or 40mm tubing, there are valves for all sizes of
piping, but it may require some mechanical engineering to motorise a
manually operated one. I didnt indicate that there was a cheap solution.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ian Lowe [mailto:ian@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 12 May 2002 17:21
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx Subject: RE: [ukha_d] Orange SmartHome Sunday Times Article

One problem perhaps Keith: the water coming down the plughole is grey water,
ful of grease, slime, detergent, etc etc etc..

Would a valve be able to live in that environment for a decent amount of

Also, given that almost all waste water (not, erm, "solids") outfall is on
20mm tubing, could you get a motorised 20mm valve?


-----Original Message-----
From: Keith Doxey [mailto:lists.diyha@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 12 May 2002 11:55
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx Subject: RE: [ukha_d] Orange SmartHome Sunday Times Article

I've thought about this......

How about....

NO PLUG. but a valve below the bath that controls the outlet.
Above that between the bath and plug hole there is a T piece where you
connect a tube that rises vertically behind the bath similar to the level
guage on an oil tank. The sensor can be on that to detect the level.

I havent actually built that design but I see no reason why it wouldnt work.

(PS. you could use a siteplayer to monitor it via the web :-))
-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Hawkins [mailto:lists@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 12 May 2002 10:38
To: UKHA Group
Subject: [ukha_d] Orange SmartHome Sunday Times Article

    The Business section (p13) of the Sunday Times has an article about the
Orange Smart Home. It concludes, not too positively, that SWMBO is probably
right when she wants light switches rather than touch screens ! Overall AV
came out as desirable and a smart bath, the plug stays 'up' until the water
flow is at the right temp - and you can't overflow it.

    I must admit the latter has happened here and just after redecorating
downstairs. Anyone got any good 'water level' detection ideas ? - I think
most of them need a hole in the bath to an outside pipe although maybe you
could dispense with the plug , fit an electric valve instead and tap off
before it for the level sensor... hmmm got me thinking now..


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