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RE: OT I wonder

Phillip Harris wrote:
> Thanks Callum for trying to keep what was originally a light hearted
> thread light hearted but unfortunately it seems that even if there
> a bitching session going on then some people insist of trying to start
> one...

Don't take this the wrong way Phil but it takes more than one person to
a bitching session so maybe you should have just ignored it rather than
well... bitch about it... hehe

I thought you had wrongly attributed the comment to Calum wrt the coup but
do not see why JR should have taken offence unless he wanted the fame for
it. Anyway, since he posted a "light hearted" message in response
to Calum's
post I guess it was either diffused by Calum or of no great importance
either way.

Anyone have the life cycle of the mailing list archived? We seem closer to
reaching that final stage these days. :(

Turn on E4 guys and slag off these sad BB applications rather than each
other.  Well, there was nothing else on at the time! Much easier and unless
anyone on the list is related to/knows one of them less likely to offend.
an example, the girl on right now who's sole reason for getting on this
is she has "tits and an arse" but is one of the few that chooses
not to show
them ... possibly a good thing in her case :)

Seems we have a few weeks lined up of things comparable to reader's wives
along with blair witch rip off yawns although the Essex Girl Blair Witch
kinda interesting since the camera man kept filming her mate instead!


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