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Heeeellllp! HomeVision is killing me!!!

My hair is coming out real fast here. Got home at a decent time
and thought I'd have another go at getting my new HomeVision
toy running - but I'm back to HomeSeer again.
Problem is as follows:
I have an RF key fob button (B3) with an ON action which turns a
light (C2) on and then off - nice and simple. When I press the button
the light does indeed come on and go of but then it does it again
and again and... The HV S/W tells me that it keeps receiving the
B3 ON signal over and over. If I send an OFF it seems to stop
it. Same happens with 2 external motion detectors I have, but
an internal one does not seem to have the same effect.
I then put a condition at the top of the B3 ON action that
checks if a flag is clear and only if it is will it run the light on/off.
After this runs it sets the flag. So next time round it does not enter
the condition and it does not turn the light on/off. Now when I
trigger the fob button I see the B3 ON command and the light
goes on/off then I get a second B3 ON command show up but
the light does not go on/off and no further B3 ON's appear. I can
now press the button and only see single B3 ON's. If I clear the
flag and press it I see 2 again and the light goes on/off.
It's as if turning the light on/off is causing some form of echo to
occur, which without the flag and condition is causing a loop
to happen.
HomeSeer is turned off during all this, I do have an all house IR
unit plugged in along with 2 RF receivers (one in the house, one
in the garage). The only other stuff I have is the lamp and appliance
modules and naturally the HomeVision unit.
Has anyone else seen this? Any ideas before I go totally bald?

Andrew Bovingdon
Director, Product Marketing
+44 7768 877170


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