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Fw: Unrecognised X-10 log entries

  • To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Subject: Fw: Unrecognised X-10 log entries
  • From: "Gareth Cook/UK/IBM" <gcook@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 9 May 2002 15:35:06 +0100
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

Wait till it's very dark, then stand outside and send all the x10 on and off commands you can - see what happens (not to your own house)

Gareth Cook
Senior Engineering Specialist

Lotus Park, Staines, TW18 3AG
Office:  +44 (0) 1784 445 166
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Work: g@xxxxxxx
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MSN Chat : chat@xxxxxxx

----- Forwarded by Gareth Cook/UK/IBM on 09/05/2002 15:42 -----
Main Topic

Nic Blinston <ukha@xxxxxxx>
Today 15:30

[ukha_d] Unrecognised X-10 log entries


Today my X-10 activity log had some strange entries which I don't recognise:

09/05/02 09:19:26  Backing up database...
09/05/02 10:18:56  Received All Units Off for housecode D
09/05/02 10:18:57  A Hail Request command was received on housecode "A"
09/05/02 10:18:57  Received All Units Off for housecode O
09/05/02 10:18:57  Received All Units Off for housecode M
09/05/02 10:19:26  Backing up database...
09/05/02 11:19:26  Backing up database...
09/05/02 12:03:32  Received ON command for B1
09/05/02 12:04:01  Received ON command for B1
09/05/02 12:19:04  Received All Units Off for housecode D
09/05/02 12:19:05  A Hail Request command was received on housecode "A"
09/05/02 12:19:05  Received All Units Off for housecode O
09/05/02 12:19:05  Received All Units Off for housecode M
09/05/02 12:19:26  Backing up database...
09/05/02 13:19:27  Backing up database...

OK, as I am testing the whole setup gradually, the only units I
currently have connected are as follows:

CM12U connected to laptop (on 24/7)
XM10U connected to Visonic Powermax alarm panel; panel set to housecode B
Appliance module (driving indicator lamp to show alarm is armed); Code B1

The alarm panel was armed shortly after 12 (the dual B1 ON commands)
but the other commands for housecodes D,A,O & M are a complete
mystery. The sequence of four commands appearing immediately after
each other appear at almost exactly two hours apart. They didn't
appear at 14:19 - but could that be becasue the alarm system was
disarmed by then?

I don't even know yet what a 'Hail Request' command is!

I'd be grateful for any suggestions here...

By the way, I'm not aware of any neighbours running X-10.



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