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RE: (ukha_d) RE: (ukha_d) (OT) Sky Digital Insurance

Oh, and you can't take out a new agreement (at least not in the same name a= t the
same property).

Those wags at Sky wouldn't let that little loophole stay open for long!

-----Original Message-----
From: MIME:kennwatt@xxxxxxx at INTERNET
Sent: 08 May 2002 08:21
To: White, Peter; ukha_d@xxxxxxx at Internet
Subject: RE: [ukha_d] RE: (ukha_d) (OT) Sky Digital Insurance

I don't get this!

Surely if the box is being provided by Sky under the contract it is
effectively a rental and therefore it's up to them to maintain it? Of
course, the dish getting storm damaged is a different story but I would
have thought that the actual equipment would be down to Sky, after the
year you could always cancel the agreement then take out a new one ;-)


> -----Original Message-----
> From: peter.white@xxxxxxx [mailto:peter.white@xxxxxxx]
> Sent: 08 May 2002 07:41
> To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx > Subject: [ukha_d] RE: (ukha_d) (OT) Sky Digital Insurance
> I took this out, mainly because, at the time, my Sky box wasn't very well.
> The
> deal is they'll give you a replacement one whilst yours is off being > fixed, and
> if they can't fix it they'll give you another one, though it will not<= BR> > necessarily be brand new.
> A box off the auction site would have cost me =A380-=A3100, so I was h= appy
> paying
> =A360, and since being returned, it's worked fine.
> If you have no cover and your box dies, you have a few choices:
> * Buy another new one, unsubsidised (about =A3300??)
> * Move house, and take out a new sub (a bit extreme, unless you're
> planning to move)
> * Go to ebay, QXL etc - there's always boxes on there
> Pete

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