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RE: [OT] Insect Repellents!

Answer 1:-
Buy a Meerkat! they love spiders!
I do not give any to them because it is cruel but if the Meerkats find
any well that is different story!

Loads of years ago I was convinced it was the same spider coming into my
house in Lincolnshire so after discussing this with my next door
neighbour who was a practicing Vet, I asked him if I could have a can of
paint that is used to paint sheep/cows when injecting them with
something expensive, in order to paint the spiders legs to see if I was

Now picture the scene, a large newspaper on the floor and me chasing a
common or garden spider to try and paint his legs!

Never did find out if I was right, the paint blast was too strong and
our loved little friends have too thin a legs!

Meerkats are the way to go.

Another question, how many of you experienced electricians can say you
have had a stropy Meerkat on your shoulder and back whilst wiring up
some lighting points? not many then?
They really are excitable smelly little creatures.


-----Original Message-----
From: Stuart Booth [mailto:stuart@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 07 May 2002 08:56
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx Subject: RE: [ukha_d] [OT] Insect Repellents!

On 6 May 2002, at 23:56, Mark Hetherington wrote:

> Kenneth Watt wrote:
> > Guys,
> >
> > I remember a discussion on repelling insects in some way using
> > ultrasonics or suchlike, did anyone come up with anything useful?
> I don't recall the discussion but I have a device bought for my
> birthday by a friend a few years ago for repelling crawling insects. I
> think it's primary purpose is to repell spiders but it is supposed to
> work for others as well. I used to have severe problems with spiders
> in the house (4-5 per day) but since installing this little black box,
> I go months without seeing any so was pleasantly surprised at how
> effective it is.

I'd love to know more. I hate spiders myself and every few days
find a REALLY BIG ONE running around downstairs. DIE M*******...
you get the drift.



Stuart Booth
Somewhere in Buckinghamshire, England, UK


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