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Re: [OT] Undertaking (was arrogant etc...)

> When I find it necessary to undertake, I usually find it's that
> someone is hogging the middle lane with the left empty. In this case,
> I keep over by the hard shoulder ready to move further if the loony
> finally decides to pull in on me. And I don't undertake if the
> person's already at the speed limit - just cos I might want to go
> faster, that's no reason to hassle someone.

Surely its safer (if your in the inside lane and someone is hogging the
middle lane) to undertake ??
rather that having to go into the middle lane, then into the overtaking
(fast) lane, then overtake the hogger then back to middle lane then to
inside lane ?

I have undertaken (undertook ?) middle lane hoggers in the past but, V
carefully :O)  slowly creeping level with them till they can see me, then
flooring it .

Robert Crawshaw       

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