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Re: FW: Symantec - Virus Warning Bulletin

> Mercs. In fact, maybe I could just employ one of the sweeping
> generalisations we love and say I couldn't bring myself to drive any > German car for this reason.

It is true, sadly, that loads of people drive Beemers for the "status&= quot;
rather than the love of the car and it's engineering.

But, the true enthusiast sees it for what it is.  One of the very few<= BR> main-steam marques that have stayed with the un-fashionable rear wheel driv= e
layout.   A true drivers car.  I notice a lot of the "a= nti" opinion here
seems to be coming from people
who have never owned one.

Since building the house I've owned a Peugeot 405 SRi (which was undoubtedl= y
the biggest pile of poo I've ever had) and currently I have a 12 year old 100K mile Audi 90.  It's sweet as a sweet thing, rattle free despite i= t's
years and miles, and is typical of German cars.

As for not being able to use the performance on the road...I disagree, take=
over-taking performance for example - you can drive under the speed limit but still have much more enjoyment in a fast car than a slow one.

The argument that a car is just to get from A to B is nonsense too.  I= t's
like saying watching Saving Private Ryan (for example) on a 14" mono t= elly
is just the same as on a big FO screen and surround sound system.  But= then
I guess there are some people who just aren't into that.

If I ever get the house finished though, and scrape a few quid together I'm=
going to
buy a 2nd hand Scooby.  I have to get it out of my system, performance= per =A3
unbeatable.  So, I'm not a car "snob", I just like good cars= .

Think of German cars as the Lutron of the HA world.  Maybe more expens= ive
(when new anyway) but no one can argue they are good. (Sad attempt to swing=
this thread back ON topic).

Now - before the non-car-enthusiast types slip into a comma perhaps we
should cease the motor talk :)



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