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Re: What is this Home Automation thing all about?

Really addictive  Isnt it.
So i take it you got those switches wired ok. Couldnt recall Meerkats so did a search on yahoo and had a look at some pics. Remember them now .Are they easily tamed ? How are you finding Homevision?
Frank Mc
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, May 05, 2002 9:12 AM
Subject: [ukha_d] What is this Home Automation thing all about?

Hi all,

I have the following in the Meerkat cage/shed:-

Light in the shed
Light in the cage
Light in the nest box
Heater in the nest box
Heat lamp in the cage

With the above I can switch all of them on and off.

I have now bought 4 x LD11's and 1 x AD10 to control the above @ £35
have ordered an enclosure for the DIN modules £70,
Just bought and used all a 100m reel of 1mm T&E and almost another full
reel, not sure of cost,
Spent god knows how many hours routing the cables through the various
roof's my house has from my loft to the cage/shed.
Add the cost of HomeVision to control all the above and the end cost is
rather high.

Now with all the above installed  I can, err,
"switch all of them on and off.".............sounds familiar!

This has got to be one of the most stupid and expensive activities I can
think off, even football makes more sense, and do you know what the
funny thing is?

I love it.......

B "very much tongue in cheek"

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