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RE: Silly Question

R U serious! :-)

When I go out on sites I meet loads of people who ask the same question
but they all know but did not remember.

They are hugely entertaining members of the mongoose family that live in
the desert and always have one on guard, sometimes up a tree till they
fall out and run around in packs.

Most Zoo's have a colony, there was a famous documentary about them that
has been screened numerous times entitled "Meerkats United"

I have CCTV in their cage/nest box and tunnels but not available on the
web yet, only my Server and TV.

I am sure you will know them when you see them.


-----Original Message-----
From: Frank Mc Alinden [mailto:armagh@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 04 May 2002 02:32
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx Subject: Re: [ukha_d] Silly Question

Hi Brian
            Whats a Meerkat ?
Frank Mc

----- Original Message -----
From: Brian Reynolds <mailto:brian.g.reynolds@xxxxxxx> 
To: Ukha_D  <mailto:ukha_d@xxxxxxx> (E-mail)
Sent: Saturday, May 04, 2002 10:07 AM
Subject: [ukha_d] Silly Question

Well a historic day! (in a very small way...)

I have just wired up my first AD10 and LD11 DIN Rail modules to Clipsal
switches and they work!!!

The LD11 does have memory! yippee!! now I can use one of these on the
Meerkat nest box light to come on dim when the CCTV is activated so as
not to blind them at night!

Well chuffed!

I will check out the prices of the DIN boxes tomorrow and that will be
another small step in my master plan.


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