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RE: OT: What OS

Given the prices of memory now 256Mb really is the minimum you should be
looking at with XP. The main difference you'll notice is that there's so
much less swapping so apps load much quicker. Actually James H will
testify to the fact that I've got some very quiet and blisteringly fast
SCSI drives in my desktop. Now that I've got 512Mb and have flipped the
switch in the registry so the kernel doesn't page, apps load instantly.

Managed to sneak that server into the house yet James?


-----Original Message-----
From: Mark McCall [mailto:mark@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 03 May 2002 14:30
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx Subject: RE: [ukha_d] OT: What OS

As a real world example of this..a mate recently tried to encode a DVD
to divx.  He had XP on a 466 Celeron with 64 meg!!! (MIN required by XP
is 128 as far as I know). 

It started into a THREE HUNDRED HOUR process!

He went to PC World for 128meg stick (worked out cheaper than Crucial).
The encoding time reduced to 27 hours.


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