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RE: London Meet -Demo's

Forgot to add.....

If a few people are bringing decent laptops can you ensure you have Internet
Explorer, Media Player2 or higher and a DIVX plug in :-)


-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Gordon [mailto:paul_gordon@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 02 May 2002 21:11
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx Subject: Re: [ukha_d] London Meet -Demo's

Hi Keith,

I'm sorting out a Windows 2000 server to provide DHCP, and to host Ian's MP3

As it happens, I've just built the aforementioned server...

Obviously the server itself will be a fixed IP, I was also planning to put a
scope of 50 addresses available via DHCP.

I was planning to use the 10.0.0.x range, but it's totally arbitrary, so if
you have a preference for the 192.168.x.x range that's just as easy...

I was envisaging something like the following...

first 50 addresses (.1 through .50 inclusive) reserved for static IP
devices, the .1 address being my server (either or

2nd 50 addresses (.51 through .100 inclusive) in the DHCP scope.

Network fabric devices would start from the top end (.254) and work down.
thes ewould be things like the WAP11, and any hubs/switches/routers etc.
that might want addressing for management...

That help?


Paul G.

>From: "Keith Doxey" <lists.diyha@xxxxxxx>
>Reply-To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx >To: "UKHA Discussion \(E-mail\)" <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
>Subject: [ukha_d] London Meet -Demo's
>Date: Thu, 2 May 2002 20:45:17 +0100
>Hi Guys
>I know we are planning to have some sort of network set up at the London
>Will it be Fixed IP, DHCP, or a mixture of both ?
>For instance, my router allows - to be a DHCP range
>whilst allowing other machines to have fixed IP addresses above that range.
>For something that I hope to be able to demonstrate I need to know the IP
>addresses in advance so if we could have some fixed IP's it would be great.
>Ideally 192.168.0.x so that I can keep the same subnet settings I use at
>Any thoughts from anyone?
>Who is planning to take what kit ?
>Mail me off list if you dont want the details visible on the list.


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