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RE: IR Control & Other Stuff

  • To: <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: IR Control & Other Stuff
  • From: "Rob Mouser" <rmouser@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 2 May 2002 19:41:06 +0100
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

You and me too! TBH, I'm awaiting Keith's KAT5 switcher before I do
anything rash, like spend a huge wad of money on a dedicated multi-room
setup. Money which, incidentally, I don't have ;-)

[Rob Mouser]
This one's a major dilemma! And your right the money bit is s a
nightmare!  I keep reading in this group about a switcher but I can't
wait if there is no date!
What if......I added three cheaper amps with IR facility and then split
the inputs (From cd, tuner etc) across them (Don't know how I would
split them though?)
I could then control the whole caboodle with emitters linked to a
controller........which in turns leads me to another burning
question....should I buy a HomeVision unit? Are they really that good?
I'm worried that its IR learning capability is limited, doesn't it only
have capacity for 200 hundred odd commands in IR?

I had RoomLink years ago and it was totally incompatible with the
Xantech stuff I now have. Xantech is the business but fairly pricy, but
if you want reliability its about the only system I can hand on heart
say I've had virtually no problems at all with.

The bullet type receivers are superb BTW, work very well and are very
subtle I have one in the wall of the lounge and one in the bedroom/

[Rob Mouser] Oh well there goes more cash, anyone tried them mounted in
the ceiling?

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