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Wife, Decorating and HA compliance ;-)

  • To: "Ukha_d" <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Wife, Decorating and HA compliance ;-)
  • From: "Ian B" <Ian@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 1 May 2002 20:16:52 +0100
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

It was a sunny spring day when I went away for three days on a course. The
goodbyes with my family were ringing in my ears along with my wife's promise
that she would have the lounge skirting board painted in time for the carpet
which was arriving four days later.

Day 1 passed uneventfully but our evening phone call on the second day was
not so good. I had a very upset wifey complaining that the kitchen lights
were coming on by themselves at odd times. We went through the usual things
with the motion sensor and eventually unplugged the RF receiver to
definitely isolate the motion sensor (MS13). Getting late so hang up and
promise to call the next day.

The next days call time arrived and guess what - another upset wifey. This
time the problem was the RF remote we use to turn lights on and off e.g. in
the bedroom at lights out time. Another exercise in peacekeeping (should
work for the UN I reckon).

I arrived home this evening and started to look into the kitchen lights
problem. Guess what - she had painted the door frame as well as the skirting
board and despite trying not to had painted the beam break LED's!! They were
making and breaking randomly as though someone was walking through them
giving the initial problem. All the other problems then rose from trying to
cure this little painting problem. At least she stopped cursing the lights
when I explained what had happened.

I am reasonably lucky with wifey compliance but it seems I may have to watch
her with a paintbrush in the future. As always these things always seem to
happen when I go away for a day or two.

Ian B

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