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Wavefinder PSU

I have been getting audio dropouts with my Wavefinder; which is pretty
strange because I only ever get a 100% signal.

I was browsing through the Wavefinder forum, and this issue was being
discussed. Bottom line is that it seem that the supplied PSU is pants, and
people are advising buying a new one, or connect to the regulated 12v output
I dug around in my junk drawer, and found a PSU with the correct plug and
polarity (wrong voltage/ampage); tried it and have not had any audio
dropouts for the last half hour (previous frequency was 1-2 minutes)!!!!

My question to the collective is this:

The Psion PSU is rated at 10v 300mA
The one I am using 7.5v 2.1A

(not being electrically minded) Am I going to fry the Wavefinder over time
using the higher ampage, and are there any issues with the 2.5 volts drop?
Another thing, do these plugin transformers use _any_ electricity when
nothing is connected/switched off?

Ta - Steve

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