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RE: Re: [OT][FS] Fuji 510

> I'm sorry that your Fuji is now surplus to requirements, but I think <= BR> > that the correct thing to do is to pass it on to one of the members > of the bulk buy who volunteed to miss out on the initial delivery. I <= BR> > know Gareth is working hard to get the additional units to us, but > there is no guarantee that they will appear, particularly in the
> short term. I know that you are looking to recover your additional > shipping charges, but I'm not sure that this is really in the spirit <= BR> > of the bulk buy. This is just my opinion and of course you can do
> whatever you like with the unit, I just think it is unfortunate that <= BR> > the unit didn't go to someone who did want it.


Sorry I never thought about that!! Although I did email Gareth privately before emailing the list.
It has already been sold @ =A3160 delivered and I bought it for =A3165
delivered so the recovery of the additional delivery charges was not
really that big an issue for me (would have been nicer though :-) !!). I think that everyone (bar Gareth!) got a least one Fuji in the initial
order and those who emailed me about mine were people who had just
missed out on the bulk buy.
Sorry if anyone is offended by this oversight as none was intended, I
just didn't think about those who missed the initial delivery.


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