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RE: DOMAINS/Computer Names ( was...: Average Computing Devices\Person Ratio in UKHA households)

  • To: <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: DOMAINS/Computer Names ( was...: Average Computing Devices\Person Ratio in UKHA households)
  • From: "Ian B" <Ian@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 30 Mar 2002 12:07:56 -0000
  • Delivered-to: mailing list ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

My computer names are all Lord of the Rings based with Gollum, Sam, Bilbo, Pippin, Merryadoc and of course the server Gandalf. I have also been using these names for a number of years and it has nothing to do with the recent popularity of the film.
Everything runs Win2K except wifeys and that is on 98. The only reason is because little Molly's games won't run under 2K because they are so crap.
Total is about 11 including Psions and ePods. No IPaq's I am sorry to say. Most are low spec with the main work PC being a 233/P2 :-(( Unfortunately they all do exactly what I need so no need to upgrade. Needless to say games are not played on them. They could probably do Quake but that's all. I looked at a flight sim the other day but it needed 6 times the processing power that I had available not to mention everything else so I sighed and turned the other cheek.
Ian B
-----Original Message-----
From: Keith Doxey [mailto:lists.diyha@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 30 March 2002 10:20
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxxSubject: RE: [ukha_d] DOMAINS/Computer Names ( was...: Average Computing Devices\Person Ratio in UKHA households)

LOL :-)
I havent replied because my PC's are such low spec compared to what most people have posted.
Interesting when people started putting machine names up.  It indicates the different ways that people think
So far we have seen the
 "Scientific Domain"
..... and the "Totty Domain".
.... we havent had a domain named after a football team but I am sure there is one somewhere along with several following Sci-Fi themes.....
at work we have a domain called "CAT" which started out with proper names of big cats such as...
Ocelot etc...
then we ran out so reverted to the cartoon/comic world....
Top     (OK TC! )
Mine all have to have names starting with a "K"
KRAZY (my machine)
KRIS (Sharon's Machine)
KATE ( Amber KATE Doxey's machine)
KHAN (Keith's Home Automation Network)
KOOL (Keith's Obsolete Old Laptop)
KIPAQ  ---- guess
and hopefully soon....
KITCHEN - (Keith's Intranet Touchscreen Controller - Home Economics Network)
....just made up the acronym for the Fujitsu that will be located in the kitchen for recipes and barcode reading
KASS (Keith's Automotive Sound System) a PC for MP3 in the car.
and if I ever get into Linux.....
KING (Keith's Intra-Net Gateway) a firewall machine - currently handled by the ISDN Router.
Sadly the "BEST" machine is only a K6-2-400 and 98SE is the most recent OS that they will run. Tried Win2K and it wouldnt work with the hardware :-(

-----Original Message-----
From: Dr John Tankard [mailto:john@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 30 March 2002 07:51
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxxSubject: RE: [ukha_d] Average Computing Devices\Person Ratio in UKHA households

> Win2k Server
> WinNT4 Workstation
> Win98 multimedia PC

Officer> "Did anyone know you had all this computer equipment ?"

UKHA Member> "oo er, I did tell 600 people details of my computer
systems, most of which I have never met, do you think that has anything
to do with my burglary officer"

Officer (on radio to station)> "Jim I got a right one here"

John ;-)

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