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Re: UKHA Classified update - SQL Help!

BUTLER, Tony, FM writes:

> Okay, so the product gets a different status id when it's status

> If it's 10, it may as well be infinite :-)
I know what you mean, and to be honest 5 is probably as far as we will ever
go. If it makes the solution easier then assume 5 and I will apply the
relevant control in maintenance forms.

> Depends on what you use it for.
> It's _very_ good at heirarchies.  You need to combine it with XSLT to
be of
> any real use.
> One thing I do in an app of mine is retrive a data set from an SQL
> Ie, for me it displays what I accessed & when, with a count at the
> appropriate level of the number of child items.
> This is kinda what you want to do, but my counting and heirarchy stuff
> really in the XSLT.....

Yeah, it looks pretty cool, but it comes back to my point, you effectively
have a 'copy' of the database that you can manipulate through XSLT, this
sounds like SQL database and stored procedures with the only real advantage
being the (I assume) simple way of doing the hierarchy stuff in XSLT.

> I'll have a look at the SQL solution though....



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