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Re: UKHA Classified update - SQL Help!

steve.cooper@xxxxxxx writes:

> >>across all lower level ProductTypes
> Just to clarify before I have a look at this for you.
> By the above do you mean a ProductTypeID that doesn't appear in the
> ParentProductTypeID of any other Product Type.  I would have thought
> your application you need a cascading count.
> i.e.
> Computer
>      - Hardware
>           A box
>           Another box
>      - Software
>           A lotus product
>           A microsoft product
>           A product that works
> So when you put in Software you get an answer of 3 but when you put in
> Computer you get an answer of 5, 2 Harware + 3 Software.
> Is this correct?
Yes that is correct, though the number of levels is of course flexible (I
have assumed a realistic maximum of 10). Also Products could be held at
different levels as follows:

- Hardware
- Software
- Microsoft products
- Office applications
* Excel
* Word
* Access
- Back Office applications
* Exchange
* SQL Server
* XP Home
- Lotus products
* Notes
- Office applications
* 1-2-3
* AmiPro (or whatever that crap was called)
- Software requiring a doctorate to install
* Linux
* Some other flavour of Linux
* Yet another type of Linux
* The aren't standards wonderful edition of Linux

Asterisks are used to show Products rather than child ProductTypes. So
software count would be 13. However, the count should not include Products
held directly at the current ProductType level. For example, if you had
drilled down to 'Microsoft products' then you should see a display like
Computer  Software  Microsoft products
Office applications (3)
Back office applications (2)
* XP Home


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