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RE: Audio Digital Data Streams

  • To: <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: Audio Digital Data Streams
  • From: "Phil Harris" <phil@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2002 23:57:37 -0000
  • Delivered-to: mailing list ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

Title: Message


As for ITVD, again AFAIK, the digital out allows you to decode the audio signal off board, it has no function other than that and I have played about with the digital out from my Nokia. This leads me to the conclusion that Nokia perhaps saw the possibility of broadcasting being done in DD or MPEG ?veloped (mainly) by tem from Philipsd encoding of choice problem with this. ff board, it has no functio , it cannot be decoded(??) and added it just in case however, the broadcasters have a problem with this. 


<<IIRC it was simply that the output could be fed to an external DAC ... the audio datastream for DD/DTS is not recognised as valid by the Nokia and therefore it would not be passed to the digital output. Same as the Digital Audio out on the back of Sony $ky Digital receivers!>>


IIRC, the EC decided that the digital sound encoding of choice was to be the MPEG system developed (mainly) by Philips but the consumers choice was DD, so the broadcasters have a tough choice ahead. Go with DD which most people have equipment for because of the DVD boom, or go with the EEC standard and piss everyone off! ;-) 


<<True 100% ... DD was actually the manufacturers choice ... most consumers didn't give a stuff! DD encoders were easier to obtain and easier to work with than MPEG audio encoders and given that the US had settled on DD (and most people at the time were importing US DVDs) then DD became the norm.>>


So to answer the actual question, no the Nokia box does not output DD or any other digital surround as it does not receive the signal to enable it to do so. You *will* get Dolby Surround, but it will only be marginally better by using an offboard DAC as the signal is pants anyway to start with from ITVD in 99% of cases.


<<Kinda right ... Ken and I both have Yamaha DSP-A series AV amps - his is an AX1 and mine is the older A1. I compared the performance of my A1 on the analogue and digital audio outputs of the Nokia and the activity from the rear speakers is far more pronounced on the digital feed. This is also borne out on tests that I have done with the PCM and analogue feeds from LD too. Being fed a digital signal allows the decoder to operate completely in the digital domain.>>


As Mark rightly points out though, Phil is the real expert on this stuff.


<<Why thankyou guys!>>



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