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UKHA Classified update

OK guys, here are my suggestions on comments posted so far:

Q: Looks good, but could you add a count alongside each category, so we
know which categories have entries.

A: Yes, I will add a count alongside each category showing total items
beneath it

Q: My personal bugbear - displaying empty categories...

A: Empty categories are useful if you want to navigate to a category to add
an item beneath it

Q: Is there some way to grey out any categories that don't have advertised
items in them?

A: As above the category will show total items beneath it, so I think that
should be enough.

Q: And an ability to look at everything would be nice too - what u'er
looking for may not fall into the category you think it does!

A: I am already planning a list of most recent items, I could extend that
to cover all open items.

Q: Hate the colour! :)

A: Agreed, I will change it when I get a chance. Most is controlled through
style sheet so that is easy, but I do need to do some different colour
versions of the contoured border graphics.

Q: Would be nice to see latest additions/filter items by price/download a
cvs/xls of all (current) items?

A: Well I may provide a search screen at some point, but until we have
loads of items on here, then I think a full current item list as requested
above will suffice. As for download, a cut and paste of the full list will
be fine I'm sure ;-)

Q: Is this for selling things

A: It is for advertising stuff, the sale is up to the person posting the ad
and any respondents, I will not get involved in any transactions.



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