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RE: X Box/Leopard/Ace

> For control via a joypad, Halo does a very good job.

Good job with a joypad controller, not good job per-se :-)

> where the PC loses out big time ... it is just single user.

Have you_ played CounterStrike online with voice comms enabled?
Play with your mates, chat to your mates, have beer with your mates.
You just don't have to inhale their BO :-)

Seriously though, the bog limitation I find with multiplayer console games
is that you share the screen with your mates so a) your viewable area is a
_lot_ smaller and b) you can see what your m8's are doing - makes it hard
sneak up on someone with a knife, if they can see you coming by looking at
your bit of the screen :-(


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