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RE: Netgear Access Point Range

My WAP11 is downstairs in a cupboard.  I am about 10 feet from it horizontally and whatever a standard ground floor height vertically.
I get about 25% signal strength and without moving the devices/changing any config etc , have had signals vary from 11mb down to 2 mb/sec last night, ususalyl varying between 11 and 5.
I dread to think what would happen if I went outside with this!
60' & 3 walls seems reasonable for you though - think about poor me :)
-----Original Message-----
From: Stainton-James, Mark (London) [mailto:stainmar@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 20 March 2002 10:39
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxxSubject: [ukha_d] Netgear Access Point Range

I use a Netgear wireless access point, and have been very disappointed with the poor range that I get from it. From about 60 feet away, through 3 walls I get a 2Mbp connection. 


Should I be regarding this as normal ? If its not normal what factors are likely to effect the range (other than walls - can't do much about them) If it is normal does anyone know who provides antennas for the Netgear (rather than using Pringle cans)





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