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RE: RGB to SVideo vs KAT5

Based on my experience, don't bother - the output is to all intents and purposes the same.
The sky menus seemed _slightly_ better, but only with me peering at it from a foot away :)
Of course, I'm sure you'll be building your own RGB to SVideo converter rather than purchasing one as I did, so perhaps the outlay for the components will be worth it......
As discussed with you before, I am hooking my stuff up thru my AV amp as if it was all S-Video & the TV seems to cope admirably - whether it detects svide/composite, or whether the amp is doing something magic I don't know.
Maybe you'll get away with that too......
PS: The only real test of the quality of course will come when I get my RGB KAT5 unit & can compare that to the RGBtoSVideo thingy I have :-)
-----Original Message-----
From: Keith Doxey [mailto:lists.diyha@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 18 March 2002 12:35
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxxSubject: RE: [ukha_d] RGB to SVideo vs KAT5

I have a Panasonic Digibox and have to say that the composite output is very good.
I have tried using RGB but on my Mitsubishi the colour is far too intense and the image leaps about 1.5 inches to the left. I havent got a service manual to see if I can adjust it so for now I use Composite.
I plan to use S-Video at some point in the future so that I can simply route everything into the KAT5 switcher and AV amp as S-Video.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ben McCormack [mailto:ben.mccormack@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 18 March 2002 11:29
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxxSubject: RE: [ukha_d] RGB to SVideo vs KAT5


I have found that there is no difference between Sky Digital Composite
and RGB.

I have got a Loewe Ergo 28" and Panasonic Sky digital box and I was
using good quality SCART leads.

I spoke to a HiFi dealer friend of mine who tested the same theory and
he agreed that there was no difference, he suggested that is was to do
with the quality of converters on the Sky box.

Not sure what to make of it all



-----Original Message-----
From: BUTLER, Tony, FM [mailto:tony.butler@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 18 March 2002 11:26
To: 'ukha_d@xxxxxxx'
Subject: [ukha_d] RGB to SVideo vs KAT5

Following recent mentions of the RGB to S-Video converters @, I purchased one of these and connected it up as

Panasonic SKY Digital box -> RGB2SVideo -> AV Amp -> TV
and also I had
Panasonic SKY Digital box -> KAT5 -> TV

Now the KAT5 unit is picking up the composite signal from the sky box,
so in theory, the RGB2SVideo picture should be better.

Disappointingly, they were as near as damn it identical. 

This means one of the following:

1. The RGBToSVideo unit is worse than expected (though ppl on the group
were happy with it) and is degrading the signal to composite levels 2.
The KAT5 unit is so good that it is resolving the composite signal to
SVideo levels! 3. I've got a _special_ edition panny that outputs SVideo
from it's scart sockets 4. (Just thought of this).  The cable from the
AV amp to the TV is about 8-10m long (screened RGB cable adapted to feed
svideo & composite signals) so maybe the loss in the cable is so great
that it reduces the SVideo out of the amp to Composite quality......

I guess what I really need to do is go
Panasonic SKY Digital box -> AV Amp -> TV  (composite)
Panasonic SKY Digital box -> RGB2SVideo -> KAT5 Amp -> TV (SVideo)
to see if the cable is the problem.
I didn't do this initially because
1. I didn't want to daisy chain the two devices in case of some sort of
signal problems (as I had with the panny/kat5 initially) 2. I haven't
got an svideo -> SCART lead (lots of Scart -> Svideo though :(

thoughts anyone?



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