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Re: WAP11 Problem

Be aware you can only change the IP address of the AP using the USB config tool (at least that was the case with the firmware version I have).
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, March 15, 2002 11:13 AM
Subject: RE: [ukha_d] WAP11 Problem

I have also a problem, but it's not a problem really.
Last night, I started playing with my AP about midnight. I have wired LAN, so I plugged AP into switch and installed SNMP config utility. And read manual which was a bit confusing and suggesting to set subnet mask the same like on wired LAN and keep IP address outside.
Didn't have sense but I followed instructions and, of course, didn't work. I was tired, and went to bed.
Today, I downloaded manual from their site, and this one has more sense.
I suppose that Doug has the same configuration like me. He got AP and card (not cards), so I suppose that he wants to connect AP to his wired LAN.
There are two tools to configure AP, USB and SNMP. I prefer SNMP because I don't have to bring PC for configuring AP within the range of USB cable.
Especially, if AP is mounted somewhere high and cable is 1.5m only.
So I installed SNMP util and it should find AP, but it can't.
On my network I have server with ADSL modem and ICS. ICS works in a way that machine where it runs becomes a small DHCP server, that machine automatically gets IP address and subnet mask
Therefore, all the machines on my LAN must be within that subnet. They should be DHCP enabled and ICS machine will assign them IP address from the pool -
By default, AP has IP address and that's why my laptop cannot talk to it and AP cannot be found.
What I plan to do is:
Change my laptop IP settings from DHCP enabled to static with subnet mask
Then it should be able to find AP. Then change settings of AP, from static address to DHCP enabled.
When AP reboots, it should obtain IP address from DHCP server (ICS machine) and become a member of my subnet.
My laptop settings could be moved back to DHCP enabled.
I'm pretty sure that it will work then.

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