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Re: Newbie about to run Cat5

  • To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Subject: Re: Newbie about to run Cat5
  • From: "haweste" <haweste@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2002 06:38:52 -0000
  • Delivered-to: mailing list ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx


Thanks, I'm planning to just chase straight runs and go from the=20
sockets to the ceiling above, or floor below. Eventually I'll be able=20
to lift the floor in all rooms that I need to get too, it's just that=20
for now, some rooms are "off-limits" ! I will be leaving some
in the conduit - one of the tips I saw was to make the string twice=20
as long as the duct length then you could pull one cable one way, one=20
cable the other, or at least recover the string from the same end as=20
you started from.

TLC used to do the plasterers covers, have you seen them anywhere=20
else ?

Thanks again,


--- In ukha_d@y..., "Paul Gordon" <paul_gordon@h...> wrote:
> >
> >I'm picking up a wall chaser tomorrow for my first foray into
> >business. I'm going to be chasing walls and installing conduit=20
now, but not
> >actually pulling cables for a month or so (various reasons why,=20
but that's
> >the way it has to be).
> >
> >I'm going to run Cat5, CT100 and speaker cable to many of the=20
rooms in the
> >house, and build in provision for running cables to the
rooms. A
> >while ago James Hoye (I think) commented on the merits of=20
different sized
> >conduit. I was originally planning on installing 25mm round, on=20
the basis
> >that 20mm round was a bit tight for 4 cables, but am now=20
> >25mmx16mm with a snap on lid (but buried in the wall) since
got more
> >useable cross-section. Has anyone installed this type, any=20
comments on the
> >benefits (or otherwise) ?
> >
> I Presume you will be leaving some string or something in the=20
conduits for=20
> pulling the cables later? I imagine that round might be easier to=20
> through without snagging... - are the runs all straight, or are=20
> bends/angles in the trunking? - round trunking uses 90-degree elbow=20
> that are a "curve" whereas the square stuff uses elbows that
are a=20
> corner, - possibly harder to pull cable round the sharp angle?...
> >I was planning on a 5-6mm plaster coat on top of the conduit -=20
will this be
> >thick enough to prevent cracking etc ?
> >
> >Also, in some locations, I may want to run Cat5 & speaker
cable in=20
> >conduit. I know mains & LV (Cat5) in the same conduit is a
but what
> >about Cat5 & speaker cable ?
> >
> >One final question. While I'm hiring the tool and making the
I'd like
> >to put in provision for future (Cat5 based) keypads at light-
switch height.
> >I can chase the wall, fit the conduit and plaster over, but
about the
> >backbox ? Ideally I'd like to fit this too, and completely hide
> >the
> >plaster (I'll know where it'll be when I come to use it). Is
> >problem
> >from the Regs. POV if I install (and possibly pull cable) to a=20
> >that's completely hidden ?
> >
> Aren't there plasterers faceplates for backboxes for this very=20
reason? -=20
> allow the plasterers to go straight over the top of them, and you=20
can thnk=20
> knock them out when you need to....
> =A30.02
> Paul G.

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