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RE: WAP11 Problem

  • To: <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: WAP11 Problem
  • From: "Dr John Tankard" <john@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2002 23:30:52 -0000
  • Delivered-to: mailing list ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

> Got my WAP-11 and Orinoco card today and trying to get them
> up and working tonight but I am not getting anywhere.
> Card is installed OK and reports Excellent radio connection
> (it should be cause they are on the same desk). But link test
> reports No Connection and all packets lost.
> What worries me is that the Green Act light on the WAP11 is
> permanently flashing madly -  it did this first time I
> plugged it in. As I have no other Wireless devices this worries me.
> Is this unusual ? Could it be something to do with my
> environment or is the unit maybe faulty ?


First don't worry, the kit is from first line distributors if its duff
it will get replaced, when Mark and I got our AP (from the same source)
Mark's AP was DOA, they replaced it no problems. With the amount of kit
we got I expect to get some DOA

Expect to see the AP's light flash very fast say about 15Hz. Do you have
a wireless phone in the house ? If so this may be making the lamp flash,
but don't worry they can co exist together no problem.

On your card there are two LED's, if the card is up you should see one
green led all the time the other should flash as data is transferred.

Double check the AP setup on USB When you boot your laptop (I assume
it's a laptop) watch the LED's on the card you should get one green then
after a few seconds you get a burst of data this is your laptop getting
its ip, then login. Go to command prompt and do ipconfig /all check to
see what ip address you have been given if its in the range of your
network it looks like they are talking. Also try from the laptop a
search for computer, but enter the ip address not the name of a pc on
your lan.

Does your card see the AP ? If yes can you ping a address on your lan ?
Setup a share on your lan and try to connect to it ?

Try this and report back your findings, also what OS is on your lan and
your laptop.

You can ring me at home in the morning between 8:00 and 9:30 my number
was posted on habuy. After 9:30 try my mobile it can be found on the
invoice note the code in now 07973. You could also try me at one of my
customers after about 10:30 01274 777 666 no problem receiving calls.


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