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DIY doorphone?

Flush with the successfull installation of my BT 2+8 PABX box, thoughts
have now turned to the idea of using one of the eight internal lines as a

The idea being that when I'm in my den (with loud music on), a visitor
could press the doorphone call button and I might actually hear the phone

Thoughts so far include...

Maplins do cheap doorphone kits, which I could rip the internals out of.
Cheap telephones, could have their internals put into the doorphone shell.

The doorphone could be made to be a fake an external line and plugged into
the second incoming line? Not sure how to do this...

The doorphone could just be a normal extension, and I'd need some way of
making it ring all the other phones? Not sure how to do this either...

Any ideas/comments/solution/webpages?


PS. Keith, don't suppose you've found any manuals for the 2+8?

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