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Re: Fujitsu product not a touch screen for a change

> Its difficult keeping up with all these things (must be old age!).


> My current
> PC is providing most of these functions - I can see it would be a good
> if I didn't already have seperate DVD, amp, phone, etc devices.

That was my thought on it too.  After starting a project to accomplish much
the same thing, I decided it was a bit late to just go out and buy one.
Besides, it doesn't look quite right (IMHO).

> Isn't it frustrating?  we spend months trying to connect our PC to our
phone to
> our DVD and TV and HA system then a handy all in one device comes out.
> only consolation is that it is nowhere near the quality of a seperate
> and 5.1 amp and is far to neat and tidy - where would we be without
our PC
with half
> the  casing missing?!

Only half the case missing?  I realised I needed something from the HDD of
my multimedia machine this morning.  I've ripped all the components out of
the case to fit into the VCR case, so it wasn't in a working state.  I took
an AV cable, and a power cable to plug into the TV and wall socket, and
out the motherboard, HDD, PSU and IR receiver on the floor in the front
room.  Well, I got the data I needed!  Not too practical though ;-)

Andy (will be hacking the VCR case to bits tonight)
PC-Based Multimedia System
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