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[OT] Modems and Callerid

Anyone got a Pace Voice modem and managed to get it to work with callerid?
I supposedly got callerid enabled on my NTL service today, but I cannot
to pick it up on my modem - before I go back to NTL and suggest that they
didn't really turn it on, anyone got any other ideas to test it?

I connected to the modem using hyperterm and it just says RING RING when an
incoming call arrives - I would expect it to say NAME: NUMBER: etc. if
caller id was working....

The pace modem (now unsupported) definetely is callerid capable, but just
wondering if there is something obvious that I missed.

Alternatively, I could get a meteor box, but if my modem cannot detect the
callerid at all, would the meteor pick it up?

Any help appreciated (sorry for OT)


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