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Re: Mini mobos

> > >
> >
> > It's a nice machine, but the CPU/case fan is very noisy.  Not
> > the kind of thing to sit in your hifi rack unobtrusively.
> > Aside from that, it's quite cool though.
> Yes, the demo units I saw a few months back were damn noisy. Shame
> really because as you said, a very cool little machine.
> If only the guys from Apple were involved because I'm sure they could
> make them very quiet indeed.

I doubt it.  The problem is, it has to dissipate a certain amount of heat
amount of heat it has to dissipate, or to make it larger.  As the idea is
keep it small, you need to reduce the heat it needs to dissipate.  I can
think of a few ways of doing this.  All of them reduce performance.  I
the best way would be to retrofit a 900MHz Via C3 chip.  This dissipates
around 11W compared to 20W (ish) from the Celeron 1GHz.  I guesstimate that
you'd be able to reduce fan speed and get rid of most of that noise.

I've not had a look inside, but ducting of the air may also help.  It
originally came out back in late 2000, so the technology is quite dated. 
course, if they re-release it with up-to-date technology, it may be a very
cool (pun intended!) item.

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