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RE: AV Amps and video

On 11 Mar 2002, at 9:48, Phil Harris wrote:

> Ahhh but given that it would be working before Emmerdale / Corrie /
> Eastenders and also given that the missus doesn't do anything during
> them (including answer the phone or anything)

Great, not just me that won't answer the phone when watching
important things on TV. :) I get so much abuse for that. <grin>


PS - 'important things' include Buffy, Angel, Enterprise, Dark
Angel, etc, and any live major motorsport event, WSB, MotoGP,
UKSB, F1, etc etc... Em/Corrie/EE specifically *EX*cluded from
that set!

Stuart Booth
Somewhere in Buckinghamshire, England, UK

stuart@xxxxxxx     ICQ#: 4515603

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