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Re: How difficult is it to wire/crimp my own CAT5?

Quoting Martin (ukha@xxxxxxx):

> Wiring up an RJ45 with the colours 'the same at each end' can only
> to problems some time in the future. The performance of the signal
> relies on the twist of the cable. Why try and cut corners now.....
> you'll only regret it later.

Seconded.  Incorrectly paired wires will sometimes work but can't be
relied upon for higher datarates.  I have fairly long cable here that
I used to use before I got my wireless network kit.  The pairs are
wired wrongly and whilst it will handle 10Mb/s, it won't work for

> Pin 1 - White/Orange
> Pin2 - Orange/White
> Pin3 - White/Green
> Pin4 - Blue/White
> Pin5 - White/Blue
> Pin6 - Green/White
> Pin7 - White/Brown
> Pin8 - Brown/White

Some cables have four solid colours and the same four colours with a
white stripe, afair.  In that case they should be:

Pin1 - White/Orange
Pin2 - Orange
Pin3 - White/Green
Pin4 - Blue
Pin5 - White/Blue
Pin6 - Green
Pin7 - White/Brown
Pin8 - Brown


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